People in Senga Hill and Mbala in Northern Province are living in fear after a stray lion was spotted in the two districts. The lion was first spotted last month in Mbala near the police station heading to Lake Chila, according to Lackson Ng’andu, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Senior Warden for Northern Province. The lion reportedly killed a donkey at Saise Farm and a goat at Kavumbo in Senga Hill district, eating only the intestines of the latter.
Mr. Ng’andu advises the public to be security conscious, protect their livestock, and move in groups to avoid being attacked by the lion. Department of National Parks officers are expected to camp in the area soon to catch the lion.
Local farmer Henry Sichula called on the government to deploy more officers to kill the lion so that people can move freely, as farming and daily activities have been disrupted due to fear of attack.
Senga District Commissioner, Jestus Sikazwe, reassured residents that the government is committed to ensuring the lion is killed to protect people and livestock, and he encouraged them to remain calm and cooperate with the officers.