Hold on to your shopping bags, folks, because things just got a little wild at the Christiana Mall in Delaware! On Saturday evening, shots were fired, causing the mall to go into lockdown and, eventually, evacuation mode. With police swarming the scene, it’s like a scene from an action movie, only this time, the star of the show isn’t The Rock but the men and women in blue. The mall is closed for the rest of the night as they try to piece together this shocking event.
Right now, there isn’t any word on whether anyone was hurt during the chaotic incident, but Delaware State Police are making sure the area is safe for everyone. If you’re thinking about going to the mall to witness the aftermath for yourself, you might want to rethink your plans. Authorities are urging people to avoid the area and stay out of the way so they can do their job.
While we wait for more information to come in, let’s take a moment to remember the joys of shopping, food court eats, and the freedom of mall life before this intense moment shook things up. And, most importantly, let’s hope everyone stays safe and this action-packed day turns into just another retail tale. Keep your eyes peeled for updates and stay out of the area until the police give the all-clear. Here’s to hoping for a more peaceful shopping spree in the near future.