Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we are delving into the wonderful world of making everything all about ourselves, also known as social media! Fear not, we aren’t here to tell you to throw your phone out the window or delete your Insta. On the contrary, we are going to talk about how to capitalize on your time spent scrolling, snapping, and tweeting! Ready? Great! Put down that avocado toast, and let’s get started.
When you think of the top social media influencers, a few names might come to mind: Kylie Jenner, the egg that beat her record, maybe even a few cats on skateboards. And while we can’t all break the internet by posting pictures of our fluffy felines, we can learn a thing or two from the big dogs about using social media to enhance our lives (both online and off).
One important thing to remember when it comes to social media is that consistency is key. And no, I don’t mean that you need to consistently be on your phone 24/7. Rather, choose a couple of platforms that you really enjoy and are familiar with, and focus on those. For example, if you’re all about aesthetics, then maybe give Instagram a go. If you can’t go 10 minutes without making a snarky comment, Twitter is your new best friend.
Once you’ve decided which platform(s) to focus on, it’s time to figure out your brand. I know what you’re thinking, “brand” sounds so professional and boring, but think of it as your vibe or personal style. Are you all about fitness? Travel? Art? Memes? Whatever it is, lean into it, and people will be more likely to hit that follow button.
Now that you have your platforms and your vibe down, it’s time to create content. And I’m going to tell you a little secret, you don’t need to be a professional photographer or have an unlimited supply of props to make eye-catching content. Sure, a fancy camera might help, but most smartphones have cameras that are just as good (and sometimes even better). Just remember to use natural light, play with different angles, and edit if necessary. Don’t overdo it, though – nobody wants to see an over-saturated, face-tuned version of you. You’re fabulous just the way you are.
We’re almost there, folks! Now that you’ve created some fire content, it’s time to make friends! This means engaging with your followers, responding to comments, and even reaching out to people you admire or want to collaborate with. Building a sense of community will keep your audience invested, and may even help grow your follower count.
Finally, if you’re feeling fancy, and want to level up your social media game even further, experiment with new features, such as live streaming or creating story highlights. There’s no harm in trying new things – it keeps your audience engaged and guessing!
In conclusion, while we might not all be destined to achieve Kardashian-level fame, we can certainly make the most out of our time spent on social media. By following these simple tips and finding your niche, you can create a space that’s uniquely you and connects you to people with similar interests. So go ahead, snap that selfie, create that meme, and watch those likes roll in!