Well, folks, grab your popcorn and take a seat because we’ve got a story to tell. You may have heard by now that Vice President Kamala Harris made a surprise trip to Tennessee on Friday, but just in case you missed the action, let us catch you up. Harris called for stronger firearm laws and took aim at the Republican-controlled state House for expelling two Black Democratic lawmakers following a protest over a tragic school shooting in Nashville.
Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s make sure everyone is up to speed. These lawmakers, Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson (the dynamic Justin duo), were kicked out of the state House for their role in a protest calling for—you guessed it—better gun control measures after six lives were tragically cut short by gun violence at a Nashville school. And don’t worry, the plot thickens—there’s also a third Democrat, Gloria Johnson, who narrowly avoided expulsion by just a single vote. Talk about a close call!
Kamala Harris, never one to back down from a good fight, addressed a packed house at Nashville’s historically Black Fisk University and did not shy away from calling out this obvious attempt to silence these lawmakers. In true Kamala fashion, she cut to the heart of the issue: “Let’s understand the underlying issue is about fighting for the safety of our children,” Harris said. “It’s been years now where they are taught to read and write and hide in a closet and be quiet if there’s a mass shooter at their school, where our children, who have God’s capacity to learn and lead, who go to school in fear.” Cue the applause and standing ovations!
Harris met privately with Jones, Pearson, and Johnson, and even President Biden chimed in on the situation with a conference call to the three lawmakers to thank them for their leadership. That’s right, folks—our very own President Biden took time out of his busy schedule to show his support. And it didn’t end there—he even invited them to the White House for a visit in the near future.
Now, we’ve all seen enough political drama in our lives, but it’s hard not to get riled up about the injustice unfolding here. It’s shocking and, quite frankly, absurd that lawmakers are being expelled for demanding better gun control laws in the wake of yet another school shooting. As Harris said herself, it’s a false choice to think that being in favor of the Second Amendment means we can’t have reasonable gun safety laws.
If nothing else, let’s hope that the rallying cries of Kamala Harris and the people of Tennessee lead to some serious changes in our gun laws. Because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that these lawmakers and the children they’re fighting for deserve better than the current system. So stay tuned, and don’t be surprised if the Justin duo, Johnson, and Kamala Harris continue making headlines in their fight for justice.