Welcome to Tennessee, folks, where state politics is the latest genre in dramatic entertainment. The stage: Tennessee House of Representatives. The plot: racial slurs, intimidation, and two opposing characters.
On one side, we have Sabi Kumar, a 75-year-old Indian-American Republican legislator who’s lived the American Dream. He immigrated to the US 53 years ago and had a clean record, never encountering a racial slur, until recently.
Enter our antagonist, Justin Jones, the newly-famous ex-colleague who called Kumar the “brown face of white supremacy.” In a theatrical scene fit for Broadway, Jones pointed a finger in Kumar’s face, declaring, “Kumar, they will never accept you.” All of this was so over the top, the chamber’s sergeant-at-arms stepped in to save the day, putting a safe distance between the two.
During his impassioned monologue, Kumar reminisced about the golden days when he’d never been called a racial slur. Meanwhile, Jones rebutted Kumar’s emotional performance by asking him to just assimilate, join the caucus, and become one of them.
Kumar seems like a good guy. We’re rooting for him in this high-stakes Tennessee drama. Will he take a stand? Can he rise above Jones’s insults and win over his peers?
It’s an age-old story that proves Shakespeare was right – all the world’s a stage, and Tennessee House of Representatives is no exception. So grab your popcorn, and let’s watch this political drama unfold!