Twitter Files Expose: Matt Taibbi’s Narrative Falls Apart Under Scrutiny


Act I: Twitter published an expose on their internal system that revealed some people, mostly working for non-profits, alerted Twitter to potentially problematic tweets. The report exposed many errors and mistaken assumptions made by Matt Taibbi regarding the so-called “Twitter Files.”

Act II: Mehdi Hasan interviewed Matt Taibbi, coming prepared with a plethora of facts that debunked the core foundation on which Taibbi and his fans have built their narrative. Taibbi stumbled to defend himself when confronted with the facts.

Act III: In the aftermath of the interview, Taibbi scrambled to claim that the errors Hasan called out were merely small side issues. However, they were actually the core pieces on which he’s built the nonsense framing.

Act IV: Taibbi’s entire narrative turns to dust, leaving a trail of sloppy errors, misunderstandings, and context-less claims.

The bottom line is that the so-called “industrial censorship complex” that Taibbi claims exists doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. His reporting not only misrepresents facts but also omits crucial context, leading to a narrative that is far from accurate. The truth, as Hasan demonstrated in his interview, is far more mundane and far less scandalous than Taibbi would have us believe.

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