Chaos ensued on the second floor of the Tennessee Capitol as left-wing activist Justin Jones and his friend Jeneisha Harris were arrested on charges of simple assault for throwing a liquid at Tennessee Republican Speaker of the House Glen Casada. This was after they were repeatedly attempting to go around rope barriers and enter the House of Representatives chambers. In a confrontation, Jones tried to push his way past uniformed State Troopers and enter the elevator with Speaker Casada. When denied entry, he yelled at the speaker, calling him a racist, and threw a Frothy Monkey cup with an unknown liquid, believed to be coffee, at him, hitting State Representative Debra Moody in the process.
The dynamic duo gained notoriety last October for allegedly disrupting a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville where Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham was the keynote speaker. As a result of this, Jones’ preliminary hearing in the Blackburn matter is scheduled for March, and he is currently out on bond.
Following the coffee fiasco, Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden released a statement condemning the protesters’ actions and stating that “There is no room in our civil discourse for behavior like that demonstrated by protesters this morning at the Tennessee State Capitol.”
This recent ruckus serves as another example of how heated political activism can quickly devolve into coffee-slinging chaos. While it’s important to fight for one’s beliefs, perhaps we can all take a moment to remember that our common ground can be found in the sweet aroma of coffee and not in its projectiles.